SDForum: CNet’s take

 Posted by (Visited 5814 times)  Game talk
May 052006

Dan Terdiman has an article up on the SDForum I attended yesterday.

  One Response to “SDForum: CNet’s take”

  1. raph points us to cnet’s take on the sdforum yesterday. like he said earlier, there appears to be a lot of talk on how the myspace model fits into a virtual world. (on the second page) over here, we can tell you exactly how a site like myspace fits into a virtual world definition.

  2. […] This seems like a crowd that might want to discuss the stuff coming out of the Metaverse Roadmap Summit, if only to dismiss it all as dotcommie hype and cyberspace wanking. Particularly off the beaten path: the notion of using virtual worlds as annotation sources for the real world. Anyone here been talking about Google Earth the MMO? Because that was very much on everyone’s mind in the Valley given their purchase of SketchUp. […]

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