Art of Video Games at the Smithsonian

 Posted by (Visited 14678 times)  Game talk  Tagged with:
Apr 042012

I went to the Art of Video Games exhibit at the Smithsonian today. A few pics:


All in all, it was basically a very well-put-together survey, with nothing really too provocative or illuminating to people really immersed in it all. But I would guess that for many of the adults there who were mostly reminiscing about the Commodore 64 (based on what I overheard), some of the discussion in the video loops on narrative and consequence was probably quite novel.

Definitely a narratologically tilted set of videos btw. 🙂

Kudos to Chris Melissinos (who called me when he saw me tweeting from the exhibit!) and everyone else in putting it together!





I was amused by all the kids walking around playing games on their DSes in the midst of the exhibit.

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