Jun 042007

First the French, now Korea. The technolibertarians are getting it on all sides…

The gist of the story: the Ministry of Information and Communication is issuing some guidelines for comment. The comment end date is June 29th. They include a code of conduct, some legal rules for people to follow, and a checklist for users to ue when creating and uploading content.

The code of conduct concerns the responsibility of the UCC creator, respecting UCC copyright and the prevention of defamation. The legal guideline offers detailed information on copyright, protection of user privacy, prevention of defamation and the circulation of adulterous content.

Korea Herald

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Jun 042007

GamePolitics.com has word of a French lawsuit against Second Life, orchestrated by a “family values” watchdog group. It’s a good example of the way in which national boundaries and local laws and pressures may affect the operation of virtual worlds in different territories. As some commenters have already noted, it’s not a stretch to see this lawsuit in the context of the recent success of a conservative politician, Sarkozy, in the presidential elections there.

The specifics of the suit appear to be about restricting minors from Second Life — which is of course already policy on Linden’s part, and also extremely difficult to enforce. However, it seems that some ISPs have also been named in the suit.

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Jun 042007

I have this crazy backlog of messages in the Mailbag. It would be much much worse if 2/3 of the messages that come in weren’t some variant of “Please don’t post this to your blog.” So I am thinking of making the mailbag a regular Monday thing — both so that greater variety of stuff gets sent in, and so that I clear it out more regularly.

Hey Raph, I’m a big fan of yours since the UO and SWG days and this is the first time I wrote to you. What do you honestly think of MMO games that uses full body motion sensors? Do you think it will be the future of gaming? A lot of hardcore gamers have trouble with a healthy lifestyle (since mmo requires a ton of your time planted in front of the TV/PC not moving) and an mmo/game that requires you to exert some physical effort (by using full body to control your game avatar) would be a great way to have fun as well as keep in shape. Nintendo wii’s nunchuck controls is the start of this great idea. I hope someone would bring this great idea further.

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