Some year-end site stats

 Posted by (Visited 8191 times)  Misc
Jan 012007

Around 375,000 unique visitors to the site in 2006, visiting around 760,000 times, for an average of 2 visits per person, accounting for 225GB of traffic, all told. (That’s not including 3.3m hits and 80GB of bot traffic).

Most people visit on Wednesdays. The fewest visit on Saturdays. 1/5 of visitors add the site to their favorites.

2006 cumulative stats

Countries of visitors:

  1. US
  2. EU
  3. Australia
  4. Canada
  5. Great Britain
  6. Germany
  7. Russia
  8. Netherlands
  9. China
  10. Japan

4800 people listened to one of the MP3 files.

The most popular things on the site this year were:

  1. 40 ways to be a better game designer
  2. The lessons of MMORPGs
  3. Small Worlds GDC presentation
  4. a random post about a couple of game development books
  5. Rob Pardo’s AGC keynote
  6. The online worlds timeline
  7. the healing game
  8. the lifecycles of a player
  9. Measuring MMOs
  10. The Andean bird game idea

Just out of the top ten: the Laws of Online World Design.

86.2% Windows, 5.8% Mac, 4.8% unknown, and the rest in flavors of Unix. Except for the 209 hits from Symbian OS.

IE is at 46% and Firefox at 40.1% for the year. Opera comin in third at 3.6%, and Safari is at 2.8%.

82.1% of visits come from bookmarks. 4.3% from a search engine (Google, mostly, then Yahoo, then MSN). The rest are links from outside.

Where do people link from?

  1. Slashdot (mostly this pointer)
  2. BoingBoing
  3. StumbleUpon
  4. Broken Toys
  5. SWG forum threads
  6. WoW forum threads
  7. Nodwick
  9. Zen of Design
  10. Blue’s News

The top search terms for the year:

  1. raph koster
  2. ralph koster
  3. guild names
  4. raph
  5. copybot
  6. game audition
  7. audition korea
  8. raph koster blog
  9. baking games
  10. swg

The odd thing is that I cannot recall writing anything about baking games. The rest of the array of search terms is truly all over the map, including

  • six people searching for “world of warcrack”
  • six looking for “kissing cousins”
  • six looking for a “list of aphorisms”
  • seven looking for “matthew wastrodowski” — I really do not know how they got a positive hit here
  • nine looking for “second life porn”
  • ten looking for “oblivion nipple”
  • eleven looking for “wow porn”
  • thirty-four seeking how “humans appreciate the beauty of sameness and also breaking of that sameness”
  • thirty-six pondering the “naughty america game”
  • , and

  • fifty wondering about “undressing games”

  6 Responses to “Some year-end site stats”

  1. COngratz!!!! I love this site hehe, always a good read.

  2. It’s here, Raph:

    And a few other near hits here:

    I had a Jimmie Walker reference that keeps being a hit google search term for my site and couldn’t figure out when I wrote about him… turned out it was a comment someone had left that had nothing to do with Mr. Dyno-mite!

  3. Interesting to see the top 10 posts and that the Healing Game and Lifecycles of a player is on it.

    It tells me that there is a need and market for the healing aspect in gaming and that there are people looking closer at player psychology and lifecycles.


  4. Ralph? Why do so many people think your name is Ralph? Are they just not paying attention? It drives me entirely more bats than it should. I guess maybe name misspellings are a particular pet peeve of mine, given near-ubiquitous misspelling of my own last name, even in game credits.

  5. Richard Bartle has commented on how I don’t bat an eyelid before too. 🙂 I’m just far too used to it. In Spanish, of course, my name isn’t that odd — but for it to be spelled the English way is. So even in Spanish, I get it spelled wrong constantly.

  6. – Đối với mở cửa trong: mép trong của khung bao cách mép trong của tường 8mm. – Đối với mở cửa ngoài: mép ngoài của khung bao cách mép ngoài của tường 88mm. – Đối với cửa trượt (cửa đi hoặc cửa sổ): khung bao cách đều 2 mép tường (mép trong và ngoài)…

    Some year-end site stats – Raph’s Website

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